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Bojana Radoman

University Assistant (PostDoc) at the University of Veterinary Medicine Vienna

I am Bojana Radoman, a University Assistant at the University of Veterinary Medicine Vienna. With a background in biochemistry, I commenced my professional way as a Research Assistant at the Medical University of Vienna, focusing on proteomics in neuroscience. I transitioned to animal research, exploring behavioural and toxicology studies, making contributions in cognitive enhancer testing. My passion for biotechnology led to pursue a PhD, focusing on glycobiology, where I examined the recombinant proteins produced by yeast of industrial relevance.

In January 2023, my proteomics expertise has brought me to the Institute of Animal Breeding and Genetics at the University of Veterinary Medicine Vienna. As a Postdoc, I'm involved in the PAIR project. In this endeavour, I helping with irradiation and I will be supervising proteomics research, related to the PhD project 'Biological effects of particle beam therapy on pancreatic cancer'. This project combines my research interests and skills, and allows me to expand my knowledge in the field of cutting-edge particle beam therapy. I am excited to see where this path will lead me.